E-mail: info@karier.ru
Tel: +7 (800) 707-18-13, +7 (81378) 2-52-02
Mining and sale of granite blocks.
Own raw material base:
granite «Vozrozhdenie»,
granosyenite «Baltiyskoye» and «Elizovskoye-1»,
garnet amphibolite «Nigrozero»,
green pyroxenite «Sopka Buntina»,
gneisso-granite «Kalguvara-1»,
gabbro-diabase «Shoksha».
Manufacture and sale of granite products: board stones, parapets,
fence bollards, rock facing, paving stone sawn, paving stone chopped,
paving slabs, blanks for monuments.
Address: 188800, Russia, Leningrad region, Vyborg, Leningradskoye shosse, 18 «A» house.
General Director Pavel Borisovich Mauvgai

Management Company Mining Management Company
Vozrozhdenie Production Association
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Vozrozhdenie Production Association