The Association Stone Industry of Russia
Location of enterprises
The Association Stone Industry of Russia «Center Stone» is a voluntary public non-profit organization established in 2002 by the decision of the founding meeting of the heads of the leading enterprises in the stone industry.

The establishment of the Association was caused by the need to unite enterprises engaged in the stone industry in order to develop a unified strategy for the development of enterprises in the Russian stone sector and jointly solve problems for the development of the industry, to popularize stone as a building and finishing material, to saturate the consumer market with high-quality products from Russian natural stone.

Currently, the Association includes more than 80 enterprises engaged in the stone business: quarries and stone processing enterprises, exploration organizations, manufacturers of equipment and tools, construction companies, universities and trading companies.

The Association is one of the expert societies according to the approval of GOSTs in the Technical Committee - 144 for the development and approval of standards across the EurAsEC.

The Association takes part in the development and worldwide standards approval (ISO).

About Association

Founder of the Association «Center Stone» and its first President
Andrei Yakovlevich Garms
1) Association of Russian enterprises and companies engaged in stone industry;
2) representing the interests of the Association's enterprises in the state bodies of the Russian Federation;
3) organization of advertising of the Association's enterprises;
4) support of international relations and contacts with other public associations in the interests of the Association enterprises;
5) organization of participation of the Association enterprises in profile exhibitions, conferences, forums, competitions, seminars in Russia and abroad;
6) collection and processing of information about stone business by the service service, analysis of the world market conjuncture for further provision of information to the Association members;
7) profile marketing research of raw materials, finished products, equipment and tools;
8) issue of the specialized magazine "Stone around us";
9) organization and holding together with the Ural State Mining University of the annual international specialized exhibition "URALEXPO".
"URALEXPOKAMEN in Ekaterinburg;
10) organization and holding of professional competitions in various fields;
11) organization of training for specialists of stone industry enterprises in order to improve their professional level in Russia and abroad.
The Association of Stone Industry Enterprises is a dynamic open structure, whose members can be enterprises, organizations and institutions engaged in the stone industry, whose interests coincide with those of the Association.

The Association stands for the development of social partnership in all areas, for the interaction of professional associations, for the consolidation of enterprises and organizations of the stone industry, architects and designers, construction organizations and scientific and educational institutions that train new personnel for the industry, for increasing the importance and responsibility of professionals, for the development of the stone industry in Russia.

The subject of the Association is:

Of the Association Stone Industry of Russia «Center Stone»

The decision on the state registration of the symbols of a non-profit organization was adopted
by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia from 20.09.2013, № 1981-9.
The symbolism of the non-profit organization is registered under No. 536-13.

Composition of the Association Stone Industry of Russia «Center Stone»

Executive Director
of the Association Stone Industry of Russia «Center Stone»
is Anastasia Igorevna Volodarskaya
President Association
of the Association Stone Industry of Russia «Center Stone»
is Dmitry Yurievich Medyantsev

Moscow representative office Association stone industry of Russia «Center Stone»

After isolation and disconnection is only at first glance give the benefit - ostensibly competitors podsmotreno and do not steal my "know-how", and people. But this is a very narrow view. Still useful technologies and discoveries will become available to all, and very quickly, and disgruntled employees smoothly flow into a successful company. Cooperation, partnership, sharing information for the common good and development, mutual support - these are the tasks of the Association. Collective trips, seminars, conferences, is only the beginning. The plans of the Association for many useful things including participation in the development of sector-specific legislation. Participating in the activities of the Association you get from it as much as you invest the effort. Formal membership and dues are only a small part of the work. Involved in the activities, contributing their ideas and suggestions you yourself are building and are improving the environment in which you live and work. I wish the stone processing market this year, success and prosperity. Join the Association, if you have already entered - Activate, take the initiative, expand their horizons, to grow and strengthen.

Nikolai Karachentsev,
Co-founder and Managing Director
"Company ALMIR",

Dear colleagues!

I greet you as the head of the Moscow representative office Association stone industry of Russia "Center Stone"!

The Moscow office was established in early 2013 to empower the Association and the exit to the federal level. Over the past few months have been several meetings and events, identifies goals for future work. The Association is a non-profit association of like-minded enthusiasts. Like any social organization is an inexhaustible source of collective energy, ideas, thoughts and resources. This is not only an opportunity to get a discount on exhibition space, a unique tool that allows you to combine the separate and scattered across the Russian enterprises working with stone.
Nikolai Karachentsev
Head of the Moscow representative office of the Association Stone Industry of Russia «Center Stone»
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